Quetzal Cafe, Polk Street
"Hey, I saw the new Star Wars preview."
"Yeah, and?"
"It looks like it's going to suck as bad as the other ones. I thought it might actually be decent until one of the character's began to talk."
"Yeah, with all his money, you think Lucas could hire a writer."
"No, those movies need a speech therapist, not a writer. Only a doctor could save that dialog."
"Those films are dead. A doctor couldn't revive them. In fact, they should be pulled off of life support."
"I gave up on Star Wars a long time ago. I switched to Death Sport."
"You mean, Blood Sport?"
"No, Death Sport. I know my movies. Blood Sport was the Jean-Claude Van Dam piece of crap, Death Sport is the Stallone piece of crap. I think it's full title is Death Sport 2000. These guys in cars try to kill each other in a sporting event."
"But it doesn't have light sabers."
"Fuck light sabers. What good are they going to do you when a car tries to run you over?"