35th @ Judah
"I wish we knew his email. I'd like to put
fuck you in the subject and send it to him."
"That reminds of an idea I had."
"It'd be kind of like a social activism thing."
"Well what is it?"
"I thought it'd be cool to get an email account, like sackofshit@yahoo.com, and just email corrupt businesses with it. They'd get a subject heading that says
You are a sack of shit with an email address that says sackofshit@yahoo.com. Or it could be sackofshit@gmail, you know, whatever."
"Would there be anything in the email?"
"No, the subject says it all. What else is there to say?
You are a sack of shit."
"What about the sig file?"
"What about it? You think I'm going to put my address in phone number on the email, you idiot?"
"No, but you could put something like Sack of Shit Way, Apt. A."
"You're taking it too far."